The Old Memorial Building
Our church is a fairly new congregation of believers. On October 24th, 2010 a group of local believers felt called to start their own church. We met at the Old Memorial Building in town our first Sunday. We were only here one Sunday after learning the building was condemned. Our first Sunday as a new congregation at the Memorial building would be where we get our church name, Memorial Baptist Church.

Chapel at Camp Carson
After the Memorial building was condemned, we searched for a place for our brand new church to meet and the Lord led us to the chapel at Camp Carson. Pastor Emeritus Alvin Watts preached the first sermon at Memorial Baptist Church that Sunday in October. This would be our only Sunday at the Camp Carson's Chapel.
Fox & Hound Banquet Hall
We moved to the banquet hall of a local restaurant from November 2010 to February 2011. During this time we elected our interim pastor, Harold Ball, to be the first pastor of Memorial Baptist Church.
Newport Presbyterian Church
In February of 2011, we began to share a space with Newport Presbyterian Church. While in Sunday School, they would have morning worship and then we would switch. "MBC would not be here if it wasn't for the generosity of the Presbyterian Church." We are very grateful for this church allowing us to share a space with them. We shared this building until Easter Sunday of 2015.
Memorial Baptist Church
On Easter Sunday of 2015 we would have Sunday School at Newport Presbyterian Church and then travel to the recently finished building we now call home. Before renovations, our building used to be a Used Chevrolet Car Dealership. Yet, through God providing a way when there seemed no way, we were able to purchase this property, our building, and our new home. We're blessed that our church could work and worship in this building. We appreciate everyone who gave their time, money, and prayers to making Memorial Baptist Church what it is today.